This week on a very special episode of “Shots Fired,” Nocando and I discuss the perils of when keeping it real goes wrong. Not quite, but kind of. In actuality, we taped the LA book reading as a two-for-the-price-of-none episode of our Earwolf program (or programme if you’re an Anglophile).
A heads up, it is a slower, less discussion-heavy episode than usual, but things eventually get going. There also may or may not be confirmation that 2Pac actually fucked Faith, but I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions. This is actually true. Should you have any interest, there is other press recently written about the book. The Village Voice interviewed me here. XXL reviewed our New York reading here. And I appeared on DJ Skee’s Hip-Hop Nation Show on Sirius — where I babbled nonsensically for quite some time. It was fun. The download link is below the jump, along with the episode of Shots Fired.
ZIP: DJ Skee — Weiss on DJ Skee’s Hip-Hop Nation