Aaron Matthews is currently working on his debut album, “Human League Back.” Graham Van Pelt has an interesting relationship with the past. The Montreal based singer/songwriter’s new album feels like nostalgia for an era that he’s too young to remember. It’s a hazy reminiscence that comes from digging through your parents’ records or your brother’s […]
Aaron Matthews left in the morning. He took a suitcase without warning. As social networks and gadgets streamline and isolate our lives more than ever, Ghostpoet brilliantly conveys those small realizations that hit us when we chose to engage with the world around us. The Coventry emcee, born Obaro Ejimiwe has a knack for finding […]
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Aaron Matthews has a library full of wind chimes and dimes. It’s fitting that Teebs named his debut after a synonym for love. At times. his music  can be indescribable without leaning on superlatives. At a superficial level, these are merely samples and loops, cut and pasted in a particular order. Yet on an ethereal […]
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