Video: Raleigh Moncrief – “Lament for Morning” | September 8, 2011 |
Raleigh Moncrief – “Lament For Morning” from anticon. on Vimeo. Hannibal Moncrief not only invented chillwave, but he also invented Moncrief. So it’s a slap in his gizzard to see this Raleigh impostor running around and signing to Anticon. Anticon, you reject Hannibal’s 2002 avant white rap opus, Music for the Advancement of Moncrief and […]
Most unlikely trend to be resurrected five years too late: The Yellow Safari Hat Pity the makers of the 2006 animated Will Ferrell film, “Curious George.” Had they released their film in 2011 and geared high-fashion yellow hats for the Coachella crowd they could have gotten that Kanye West money. At the very least, haberdashers […]
Hannibalism @ Coachella | April 20, 2010 |
As Sach said earlier, regularly scheduled programming will return tomorrow following a much-needed sabbatical with options. In the interim, that notoriously irascible asshole, Hannibal Moncrief stalked Coachella last weeekend. Somehow, the LA Weekly was crazy enough to let him write for them — Hannibal is a smooth talker –mothers lock up your daughters. Also, if […]