Hip Hop Tweets @ The NBA All Star Game | February 22, 2011 |
Another year, another star studded weekend at the NBA All Star game. Yeah, the East lost, but all in all it was entertaining to say the least. In case you were confused or unsure how to feel about the proceedings, the Hip Hop Community is here to provide their thoughts and feelings in regards to […]
Hip Hop Tweets: January 31, 2011 | January 31, 2011 |
On Herc-gate, Young Joc’s bowel movements, Rom-Coms and of course, the Based God vs. Kevin Durant —Abe Beame Pill: Have you ever watched a romantic comedy? Oh.. me neither Kevin Durant: I tried to listen to Lil B and my mind wouldn’t let me do it….can’t believe this guy is relevant Kevin Durant: 4sho RT […]
Hip-Hop Tweets: Xmas Spectacular | December 27, 2010 |
Stocking Stuffer kids, Hip Hop celebrated Jesus turning 2010, hilarity ensued. Lil Jon: JUS WAKIN UP 2 A WHITE CHRISTMAS AND ABOUT 2 GO SNOWBOARDIN WIT DA FAM. #GODISGOOD Freddie Gibbs: I saw Mommy kissing Freddie Clause Fabolous: @thegame never stunt on u bro! Always wanted 2 know this… Do they shoot at Santa in […]
Hip-Hop Tweets: Basketball has always been my thing | November 4, 2010 |
Abe Beame has taken his talents at rounding up the best Tweets in and around the Hip Hop Community, to PotW. The slightly tardy nature of the post is attributable to a certain editor who is mired in a drunken post-electoral haze somewhere close to downtown Orlando. This week the Hip Hop Community celebrated one […]