Douglas Martin can’t hear you. Among the DIY basement venues and tinnitus-afflicted denizens of America’s lo-fi underground, the name Times New Viking inspires a brand loyalty that rivals Pepsi, Kleenex, and whatever name brand is hawked during Oprah’s Favorite Things segment. However, we all can agree that fifteen (milli-)seconds of any TNV song would likely […]
Times New Viking- “No Room To Live” | January 19, 2011 |
Times New Viking – No Room to Live from Merge Records on Vimeo. First time I saw Times New Viking was at SXSW. Siltbreeze showcase well past 1:00 a.m., huddled in a lightless second-floor cavern – behind me, a guy hawking tapes and LP’s of records I’d never heard of — obscure Rust Belt bands […]