Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good

So here’s the problem. Halloween is two weeks away, I’m invited to a couple of parties and am completely bereft of costume ideas. For reasons that can only be explained to my eight-year...
By    October 13, 2008

So here’s the problem. Halloween is two weeks away, I’m invited to a couple of parties and am completely bereft of costume ideas. For reasons that can only be explained to my eight-year old self, I want to be a Ghostbuster. The dilemma is that I’m aware it’s corny and has been done ad infinitum. On the plus side, I’m pretty sure I can get a few of my friends to join in. On the down side, no one wants to play Stantz.

I thought I’d turn to the “Ghostbusters Theme” for answers. Now all I want to be is Ray Parker Jr. This is more confusing than expected. As a last ditch salvo, I turned to the video for Bobby Brown’s “On Our Own,” from Ghostbusters II. Needless to say, I’m speechless and need to take the rest of the week off to study New Jack Swing videos. There’s gold in them hills (and presumably in Bobby Brown’s jacket.)

Currently, my only other costume option is this; primarily so that if anyone asks I can say that I’m the big yellow joint. A little help please.

MP3: Ray Parker Jr.-“Ghostbusters Theme (Extended Version)”
MP3: Bobby Brown-“On Our Own” (Theme From Ghostbusters 2)

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