Ice Cube-“What Can I Do” (Remix)

Since none of you insensate philistines responded to my TLC post, let’s hope you’ll be a bit more moved by this clip of Lethal Injection-era Ice Cube–an album which I’d argue...
By    January 21, 2009

Since none of you insensate philistines responded to my TLC post, let’s hope you’ll be a bit more moved by this clip of Lethal Injection-era Ice Cube–an album which I’d argue is better than it’s rancid reputation–“Cave Bitch” aside. Though if O’ Shea had stuck to his first draft (a love ballad to Betty Rubble), said track may have been salvageable after all.

Also, “Boo Yaa” might be the only arcane slang more fun to use than “Ta-Dow.”

MP3: Ice Cube-“What Can I Do” (Original Version)

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