Rubies-“Room Without a Key” (Studio Version)

Sometime in the near future, I’ll compile a list of slept-on records from 2008. In the meantime, allow me to serve this Studio remix of Rubies’ “Room without a Key,” a track...
By    January 28, 2009


Sometime in the near future, I’ll compile a list of slept-on records from 2008. In the meantime, allow me to serve this Studio remix of Rubies’ “Room without a Key,” a track so sublime that writing about it threatens to invoke the hoary “Dancing About Architecture” adage. Plus, I’m busy. So in short, the moral is that Swedish Balearic music is good. Work is bad. And Ikea is somewhere in between.


MP3: Rubies-“Room Without A Key”  (Studio Version)

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