Nine and Natalie

While listening to Lonely Island’s Incredibad record this weekend, I stumbled across “Natalie’s Rap,” which premiered on SNL last year. Upon closer inspection, I’m...
By    February 9, 2009

While listening to Lonely Island’s Incredibad record this weekend, I stumbled across “Natalie’s Rap,” which premiered on SNL last year. Upon closer inspection, I’m almost 100 percent certain that the “Whatcha Want, Natalie,” call and response that occurs at the 35 second mark was directly lifted from  Nine’s “Whatcha Want.” The video is below–you be the judge. If this theory is true, Lonely Island have earned my eternal respect and admiration.

If you haven’t yet checked out the official, “I’m On a Boat,” video, it ran on this Saturday’s SNL and it effectively finishes the job that the Smoking Gun and 50 Cent started. Rick Ross, I sincerely hope you don’t have an adjustable rate mortgage.

MP3: Nine-“Whatcha Want”

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