I’m Two Track Minded For These One Trick Ponys

The latest video from Jimmy the Lock provides a visual for possibly my favorite song from the record. A Gangstarr sample and a dope Busdriver guest spot will do that. The clip is filled with girls...
By    February 16, 2010

The latest video from Jimmy the Lock provides a visual for possibly my favorite song from the record. A Gangstarr sample and a dope Busdriver guest spot will do that. The clip is filled with girls who look like they regularly attend Vinyasa yoga classes in Silverlake and provides more empirical evidence that Busdriver has the best cardigan collection this side of Mr. Rogers. I’ve said enough good things about the record, so I’ll defer to Travis Wake Your Daughter Up, who just posted a very interesting interview with James McCall himself.


MP3: Nocando ft. Busdriver – “2 Track Mind” (Left-Click)

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