Son Raw: Mike Paradinas vs. Traxman

Son Raw wants to thank Low End Theory for the hospitality. From the outside looking in, Planet Mu impresario Mike Paradinas is carrying Juke on his shoulders, pushing it to a world that perhaps...
By    February 23, 2012

Son Raw wants to thank Low End Theory for the hospitality.

From the outside looking in, Planet Mu impresario Mike Paradinas is carrying Juke on his shoulders, pushing it to a world that perhaps isn’t quite ready for a sound combining minimalist sample flips, high speed dance moves and bewildering rhythms seemingly designed for octopus dance-offs. Anyone who knows Chicago however is well aware that this music has been evolving for over 20 years and a recent show of interest by outsiders won’t be its defining moment. In other words, they need not worry about the Jerk kids catching up and catching the fancy of Warp records any time soon.

West-Side legend Traxman has been DJing and dropping records since the early 90s, displaying the same passion for soul samples and high-powered drums as contemporaries like No ID, only directed towards the floor rather than the flow. Finally breaking through with a record on the aforementioned Planet Mu, his record promises to showcase yet another deeply weird take on booty-house if this Paradinas helmed mix is any indication. Best heard with eight legs and an overzealous fitness instructor on crank.


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