When Action Bronson Met Snoop Dogg

Action Bronson swings by GGN. No. They couldn’t get the roast turkey. But they did get the trippy stick. A must when backflipping from a plane onto a jet ski, doing an interview, or waiting for...
By    October 3, 2012

Action Bronson swings by GGN. No. They couldn’t get the roast turkey. But they did get the trippy stick. A must when backflipping from a plane onto a jet ski, doing an interview, or waiting for your tart fennel with the apple at ‘the restaurant.’

Puffing hibiscus, Bronsolino gives those who haven’t been following along all that he’s worked on and what he’s got coming up. Informative this video is not. But hilarious it is. At the very least, you’ll learn about Snoop Lion’s a.k.a. Young Eggs time at McDonald’s (6:52 mark), where he never cracked a shell. That, and Snoop’s pithy and insightful assessment of Bronson’s weight problem (9:55 mark) are reason enough to check it.

Anyway, Rare Chandeliers is on the way. If there’s one take away for the kids, it’s this: Don’t smoke too much wax while you wait for the drop. You’ll end up with that Phantom of the Opera face.

Word to your Yiddish lawyer.

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