Harold Stallworth is dancing reckless.
At this point in my relatively young life, I always, without fail, find myself to be either the youngest or oldest person in every bar, every dance hall, every strip club I step foot inside—and with that comes a newfound appreciation for music that plays comfortably to both demographics without resorting to cheesy pop devices. Charlie Wilson’s new album, Forever Charlie, certainly has its fair share of mothball moments, but it occasionally strikes a delicate balance between Axe and Old Spice. “Infectious,” which features Charlie’s hip-hop counterpart, Snoop Dogg, is probably the best example of such agelessness. Its refreshing to hear a pair of unimpeachable national treasures going back and forth in symbiotic fashion. With more than 100 years of combined age, the uncles from another mother once again confirm that time is indeed a flat circle.