When you google search, “Live in Tijuana,” the auto-fill first plugs in “donkey show.” Should DJDS get the full credit they deserve for their excellent new album, Live in Tijuana, they will soon supplant bestiality as the most famous live entertainment in Baja California.
This has been out for almost two weeks, so due to the nature of the Internet, this technically counts as a classic old school album. It actually might make more sense because the MacArthur park denizens have the gift of taking old wax and turning it into high octane gasoline (no Pitbull). Their music captures the feel of vintage Chicago house and techno but with modern propulsion, melancholy synthesizers and an appealing sense of disorientation that makes perfect sense for being in a foreign country. Hence, Tijuana.
According to Jerome LOL and Samo Sound Boy: “Earlier in July, we drove down to Tijuana to play a free show at a small club called Wherehouse. Around 3am we played out on the club’s open air dance floor for a crowd of what felt like all friends. It was warm and people danced.”
If you’re not already familiar with the DJs formerly known as Dodger Stadium, it’s clear their longevity will last much longer than Puig. They’re ascending to Kershaw status, but less injury prone. On this record, Kanye’s favorite collaborators combine the best of their first two records — a live show offering the seamless float that typical studio recordings only aspire to. This is sad euphoria, dance music that feels alternately doomed and uplifting, future bible material that captures the maddening caprices of life. It’s a journey and that’s all you can ask for — at least if you’re staying off the wrong end of Avenida Revolucion.