Aquarium Drunkard: Sidebar (Transmissions) Podcast | September 21, 2012 |
For the last seven years, the Aquarium Drunkard has lived by the credo: just the good shit. This not only explains his fandom of “Expensive Shit,” but also the way in which his blog avoids ephemeral trends and any desire to fit into whatever bullshit you’re being told is brilliant this week. A quintessential example […]
The High School Highs of The Orwells | June 29, 2012 |
Every Orwell was born after 1984, which is weirder than anything Winston Smith went through. That last sentence is only half true. But according to Justin Gage, their label patron and most dependable Drunkard I know, none of them have even graduated high school. They are teen kids drunk on cheap liquor, the first blast […]
Aquarium Drunkard Presents: DJ Soft Touch, A Mixtape | July 11, 2011 |
Forgive the potential redundancy. For those of you who have yet to download this mixtape, don’t thank me. Salute DJ Soft Touch and Justin “Aquarium Drunkard” Gage, who have contracted to bring you and I an hour of back-breaking, belly-jiggling, BBQ-smoked, paisley scarved funk. Both esoteric summertime soul and the likes of James Brown, H. […]
Dirty Gold – “California Sunrise” | January 18, 2011 |
Ignore the surfeit of shirtless surfer bro’s and instead note the auroral melody of “California Sunrise.” Released by Dirty Gold, a crew of California teenagers, this fits into nicely to today’s all-West Coast everything theme. The ever on-point guzzler of Aquariums is releasing the Roar EP this spring on his own Autumn Tone imprint. In […]
When the Shaolin meets the Wu-Tang, the combination can be dangerous. Having spent enough time with both the Drinker of Aquariums and O-Dub, I can report that neither of them are any threat to society. In fact, they are two of the most affable gentlemen you will ever meet. But likability goes out the window […]