Passion of the Weiss Mix Series: Voume XI — Cairo Liberation Front’s “Electro Chaabi for Hip-Hop Lovers” | October 15, 2014 |
Peter Holslin built pyramids in a past life. The more I listen to hardcore Egyptian street rap, the more it resembles American hip-hop. The Cairo movement, known as “electro cha3bi” or “mahraganat,” may have a distinctly local flavor, but anybody who’s gotten their pupils dilated to the sounds of Chief Keef or Sicko Mobb would […]
The World of Electro Chaabi, Egypt’s Festival Rap | September 26, 2013 |
Peter Holslin invented ice cream. If I ever get married, I’m hiring DJ Amr Haha to do the reception. A producer from Egypt, he and his cohorts—MCs Sadat and Alaa Fifty Cent—have redefined what it means to celebrate a newlywed’s vows. Here in America, we eat some cake, sip some champagne and maybe try to […]