Continuing Son Raw’s look back at 12 of the most interesting and impactful albums of the year 2000. The April edition was slightly late because… pandemic.
Son Raw speaks to the London DJ/producer duo about technique, their label Keysound, and the online community of More Cowbell.
Next up in Son Raw's series on albums from 2000 is the influential album from the UK drum & bass group.
Son Raw finds the perfect antidote for the relative decline in UK Garage music.
Son Raw comes not to praise rock but to bury it -- in part 2 of a 12-part series of the music that shaped the year 2000.
The first in a new series, Sach O revisits the Memphis rap legends' 2000 LP.
Son Raw throws darts about the Kingston-born MC's newest release.
From Jamaica to France, a musical bond forms. Sach O explores.
Son Raw sits on top of the Eiffel and ruminates on the young rap artist's newest banger.
Without the help of psychedelic drugs (as far as we know), Son Raw dives deep into the Los Angeles duo's debut full-length.