Jonah Bromwich is building stories. Ignore the whiff of Annie Lennox that initially rises off this new single from Chicago brother-sister duo Edith Beake. Once the song gets underway, it reveals itself as a driving, well-written duet—understated and cool with a surprising amount of verve. Edith (the name of the sister, as well as the […]
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Jonah Bromwich knows who the original Teflon Don is I’m both happy and sad that it’s come to this. It’s awesome that Kendrick won. He put in the work, he made good, uncompromising music and he was lauded for it last year. He’s selling records, and those records aren’t shitty. But along with the other […]
Jonah Bromwich is not keeping up with the Kardashians. It’s weird—I feel like we just lost that mainstream/underground dichotomy of just a few years back.  Total parity existed for a minute there.  And now the dichotomy feels like it’s back, almost superimposed.  Sure there’s an easy conduit into the mainstream if you’re making massive, shiny […]
Kev Brown Goes Hard January 9, 2013
Jonah Bromwich’s driver’s license still reps the DMV too.  Oddisee had a great year last year but there’s another DMV producer with a similar analogue, dusty boom-bap sound that gets perennially slept on. Kev Brown has been making great beats for a long, long time and has never gotten the recognition he deserves. This track […]
Jonah Bromwich invented Sea Pop. What if I were to tell you that Rainbow Dolphins was a good name for an album? Or at least, putting aside that it is possibly the silliest EP title of the current century, that Rainbow Dolphins is a fitting name — one that actually describes the album’s sound. Like, […]
It’s Kendrick Lamar week in the rap world, and you can bet that a lot of us want to weigh in on good kid, m.A.A.D. city, an album title which is very confusing to punctuate. We kicked it off last week with Deen and should be continuing all week. Feel free to chime in, hate, […]
Jonah Bromwich speaks English, Spanish, and Packer. The branch of musical acts whom I consider to be great is split into two mental tiers. Either I listen to an act and really respect it, for musicianship, or songwriting, or some other relatively technical factor (John Maus, De La Soul, half of Bowie’s output) or I […]
Jonah Bromwich drives slow, homie. If you’re like me, you left Drive in a state of shock and awe. You didn’t care about precedent, about the other people who liked the movie or didn’t like the movie, about what it all meant, about a gold comedic performance by Ron Perlman. All you knew is that […]
Jonah Bromwich doesn’t The Internet’s going nuts over the new Miguel album and though I don’t have a verdict on it yet, I do want to remind everyone who posted the video for Miguel’s “Do You,” about two other, arguably better, historical songs named “Do You.” I was reminded of the first by Jason Edwards, […]
Jonah Bromwich bleached his hair black to write this review. End of Daze is the Dum Dum Girls third EP. It’s their fifth release overall. In other words, they are no longer a new band. That’s a trying time for any group, especially for one led by a volatile personality like Kristin Gundred, a.k.a Dee […]