MobbDeen: Juicy J & The Weeknd Get Melancholitrippy | February 21, 2013 |
Deen is currently teaching a class on Copyright Law and early Juicy J cassette tapes at Rice University. Maybe I’m too beholden to conventional song structure, but I’m more than a little irritated that we don’t really hear Juicy J on what’s ostensibly his own single for the first TWO (2) minutes of a four […]
Don’t Let Me Get in my Zone: The Weeknd and Drake Discover David Lynch | November 12, 2012 |
B. Michael Payne’s favorite trilogy remains the only trilogy worth being your favorite trilogy. Now that The Weeknd’s three mixtapes are about to see a “proper” release as Trilogy, the Drake-featuring song, “The Zone”, has become the latest Weeknd video (directed by Abel Tesfaye). It opens with a familiarly Lynchian image. We’re in a car […]
Enemy of the Sedate: The Weeknd’s “Enemy” | October 29, 2012 |
Slava P is like the Where’s Waldo of Double Entrendres. Abel Tesfaye was the feel good story of 2011, coming out of Toronto to hypnotize the world with his falsetto drug-crooning and tales of borderline rape. He parlayed these talents into a deal with Universal and an album release scheduled for later this year. All […]