Psymun speaks to the beloved rap duo about jazz, hip-hop, production, and the influence of Miles Davis on their new collaborative album.
Chris Daly consults tea leaves before smoking trees. Seriously, somebody needs to tell Open Mike Eagle to take a breather.  Depending on which tea leaves you happen to consult, four out of five leading psychics agree that 2014 will go down in history as HIS year.  With only an album or two even jockeying for position, […]
Max Bell guesses like the jeans Prolificacy is usually equated with prominence. Raise your digital flag daily or sink amidst the coded stream. Rappers usually feel compelled to bear this burden more than most, fearful of being relegated to blog freezers. Thankfully, there are rappers like L.A.’s Versis, those who’ve long risen above the fear, […]
Tosten Burks is about to ramble about Blu. Fresh off the release of his serenely, brutally vulnerable Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them, the Blu & Exile sequel that served as a reminder that Blu might still be the best rapper in the city, here’s a separate reminder that the overblunted […]