Brad Beatson on the beat.  I dream a lot in the winter. When I’m confined to my apartment thanks to wind chill, the dreams tend to amplify. And so they anchor this mix, along with lines that make me reminisce, allow me to recover, or inspire me to plot my next move. These songs show […]
Drawn by Brad Beatson, a weekly comic strip joins your favorite online emporium of rare Papoose Gifs. 
Brad Beatson likes bad bitches. When I initially listened to each of Kanye’s last four releases, I was confused. Where was the guy from the first two albums? I’m a Buffalo Bills fan, so I can take more than a few losing efforts, but these just felt different. Then, after I let them settle a […]
Illustrations by Brad Beatson. See Also: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Danny Brown Lyrics. 1. “Rockin shorts in the winter don’t fuck with splinters” (“Bird on a Wire”)