Max Bell is just chillin eating lamb brain I gave up on my unspoken dream of becoming a rapper a long time ago. There are enough decent white rappers and Aesop Rock is already Aesop Rock. But there was a time when I wrote rhymes in the margins of college ruled notebooks, more focused on […]
Photos via Tito Garcia & Quayvo Shots. Joshua Lerner teaches at a school, accredited. If most rap artists still make their bread and butter through touring and stage performances, as Harold Stallworth stated last week in an article for this site, it serves us well to wonder: what are the factors that make for a […]
Mos Def and Jay Absentia last appeared together on 2009’s  Reflection Eternal reunion. The song was called “Just Begun” and it ostensibly highlighted the once nascent rise of  Jay Electronica. Over three years later, he’s become a punchline of Detox proportion.  Even Dre got an Executive Producer credit on Kendrick’s last record, which we all […]