Jeff Weiss
Jeff Weiss is a writer from Los Angeles, Ca. He founded POW in late 2005, a curse that continues to this day. He can be contacted at [email protected]. I guess.
Introducing two of the best young street rappers from LA
DestoDubb The Juiceman March 7, 2017
Introducing DestoDubb, lean seller to the stars.
The Return of Suga Free March 6, 2017
The world needs more Suga Free.
The beautiful and noirish single from Sarah Chernoff's forthcoming, Warm Nights.
Go back in time to the era of oversized jeans and hear this early jazz gem.
In which Nicolas Jaar (maybe) drops a brilliant mix through his Against All Logic pseudonym (?)
DJ Manipulator cooks up a 30-minute "Jazz is Everything" mix because it is.
A tribute to one of the greatest composers of the last 100 years.
Introducing C Struggs, whose hit "Go to Jesus" channels vintage Scarface, Killer Mike and Cee-Lo