Harold Stallworth Awakens From Holiday Hibernation: New Tracks from Migos, Agallah & Alchemist & Knxwledge | January 7, 2014 |
Harold Stallworth would rather be rich than famous. As much as I enjoyed contributing to several 2013 year-end lists, blurb-season admittedly took a massive toll on my desire to write about music. But after a two-week hiatus, I’m ready to make up for lost time. Here’s a few notable rap songs I neglected to share […]
Migos — No Pad, No Pencil | November 25, 2013 |
Harold Stallworth freelances with his father’s features. It’s hard to fathom an existence without album intros. Imagine Stillmatic stripped of its triumphant preamble, The Chronic deprived of Snoop’s homoerotic taunts, or Fishscale launching directly into “Shakey Dog” before Ghostface has the chance to toil over Wu-Tang Clan’s fall from commercial grace. The lost intro from […]
Migos doing all the fun things in LA: skateboarding in a flood channel, going to Venice Beach and Staples Center, and hanging out with Riff Raff. Dismiss the goofiness all you want, you cannot dismiss the sage wisdom of dropping this on opening day of the NBA season. And also the inherent brilliance of putting […]
Harold Stallworth is dating Kitana. In the days before CD-R technology, retail albums were unalterable works of art, ironclad in their vision or lack thereof. For better or worse, tracklistings now serve as little more than reference points for neurotic fans masquerading as seasoned A&Rs. Migos, Atlanta’s latest brand of hip-hop antichrist, orchestrated an […]
MobbDeen: The Men, the Myth, the Migos & The Video for “Versace” | October 2, 2013 |
Migos Go to Chinatown | September 25, 2013 |
The Migos pull out all the stops in their video for “Chinatown,” save for a cameo from Manny Pacquiao as the plug that looks like Pacquiao. It could also use the white boy holding the ice popsicles. The bando is the restaurant from Rush Hour. The Grauman’s Chinese gets the inclusion even though it’s six […]
Busdriver at the Versachi Store | August 8, 2013 |
Max Bell Versace Versace Versace. Your favorite art rapper doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Despite what you might think, not even Mike Eagle exclusively listens to They Might Be Giants all day. They’re probably up on the most popular rap songs on the Internet and/or radio. At the moment, whether your like it or not, […]